Given the rise in wildfire occurrences in the district, the need for firefighting equipment cannot be overemphasised. In 2024, according to EMA, a total area of 3962.4 hacters were burnt. contribution towards emergency response by the local authority to some of these emergency cases was lacking due to the absence of fire-fighting equipment. Areas that are exposed to wildfires are those within and near forest estates e.g. Gwindingwe, Tilbury, Charter, Silverstream and Chimanimani Urban.
Relief came in December 2024 when Chimanimani RDC received a firefighting tender (truck) from the Government of Zimbabwe. This gesture will go a long way in improving how councils attend fire emergencies to save lives and properties. It is hoped that our communities will take heed and take all the necessary steps to prevent, reduce and stop activities that promote the occurrence of veld.
Some of the steps that communities can take include:-
- NO OPEN FLAME OR FIRE may be permitted unless in a demarcated area which has a fireplace.
- NO BURNING OF FIELDS FOR CULTIVATION is allowed this season, especially between July and October (for guidance check with EMA)
- You must ENSURE OPEN FIRE IS ATTENDED to at any time.
- You must ENSURE FIRE IS EXTINGUISHED properly with water, once you are finished using it e.g. cooking, braaiing, roadside fires at bus stops
- Do not let children PLAY WITH MATCHSTICKS